Why Push Notifications Are The Next Frontier In Customer Engagement

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We’ve all seen the stats: 90% of users abandon an app after just one use and 50% of apps are used only once. Is your business taking advantage of this opportunity? According to Apple, “users who receive push notifications are more likely to engage with them than those who don’t

Opening up the conversation about push notifications is the easiest way to increase engagement with your users — especially when they come at the right time, which is why they’re so effective at boosting sales and conversions.

Not only do push notifications help drive sales, but they also improve user retention by keeping users in your app longer and increasing their engagement.

The ultimate conversation starter

While push notifications can be used to promote sales, they can also be used for more mundane things like reminding users when their package is about to arrive or letting them know that a new episode of their favorite TV show is available. But what makes push notifications so effective is that they’re an easy way to start a conversation with your customers and get feedback on how they feel about your product — something that should be the top priority.

The sheer versatility of push notifications

They can be used in several different ways to foster meaningful engagement with your app’s users. Here are a few examples:

  • Use push notifications to give users updates on their order status, shipment tracking, or delivery confirmation. This is an especially useful way to keep customers updated if they’ve ordered something from your site or app that takes longer to ship than usual.
  • If you have a loyalty program, send out push notifications whenever someone reaches a new tier or earns enough points for a reward. This helps keep customers engaged by giving them something to work towards and letting them know that their loyalty is being recognized and appreciated.
  • Use push notifications as part of your content marketing strategy by sending links to your latest blog post, video, or podcast episode. This is a great way to drive traffic back to your site and increase the reach of your content if you have a firm grip on what push notifications are.
  • Use push notifications to remind customers about items they’ve left in their shopping cart or encourage them to complete an unfinished purchase. These types of messages can be highly effective in driving sales and conversion rates.

Relevancy is key in real-time

Respect the user’s attention. Don’t send push notifications when the user is in the middle of an important task (like writing a document). Also, don’t send more than one notification per day for each category of notification (for example, don’t send both “News” and “Sports” at the same time). To avoid becoming the next Kim Kardashian and have your app uninstalled because of push notification spam, make sure you send notifications at the right time, with relevant content. You can figure out what that time is by tracking users’ behavior.